power LED drivers

Small high power LED drivers (constant-current boost) with USB PD support



boostdriver-AL8853 rev1


boostdriver-AL8853 rev1

Schematic as PDF

Component Selection

Component selections should be based on the AL8853 Design Calculator spreadsheet provided by Diodes Incorporated.

For most applications, the components shown in the schematic can be left as-is except for the inductor and current sense resistor. Molded composite inductors are strongly recommended, and physically larger inductors will generally provide better efficiency and thermal performance. The switching FET listed in the schematic may be out of stock, but many suitable parts are available. The PCB footprint will accommodate a 3.3mm DFN package; this DigiKey search shows compatible parts.

More detailed information on component selection is provided in the annotations in the schematic.


This project is released under the CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal (CERN-OHL-W V2).