Other Projects
serial-grapher Tool for graphing and logging CSV data received over a serial port
npm-license-scraper Tool for collecting the licenses of dependencies of a Node.js project
pid-autotuner C++ library for automatically tuning PID control loops
l3gd20-python Python library for the L3GD20 3-axis I2C gyroscope
lsm303-python Python library for the LSM303 3-axis I2C accelerometer/magnetometer
raspi-python-st7735 Python library for using ST7735 LCDs on a Raspberry Pi
fusion360-cycloidal-drive Fusion 360 script for generating cycloidal drives
gridslice Command line tool for slicing images on a grid
LED ring clock Arduino-based RGB LED analog clock
Web Tools
triangulator2 SVG triangle art generator
imdl Quick Imgur album and caption downloader
strange attractors Make beautiful renderings of strange