pi tin
[a project by alley cat engineering - jackw01 and soaporsalad]the open source raspberry pi handheld retro gaming console
Get notified when kits are available Download STL files Download SD card imagePi Tin Full Software Installation Guide
To install and configure all required software “from scratch” on top of a clean install of RetroPie, follow the instructions below.
1. install RetroPie
Download the latest RetroPie image for Raspberry Pi 2/3/Zero 2 W here. Extract the image from the .gz file and write it to a 8GB or larger MicroSD card using Raspberry Pi Imager, Etcher, or Win32DiskImager.
2. set up wifi and ssh for headless operation
After writing the SD card, eject and reinsert it to access the newly created boot partition. Create a file called wpa_supplicant.conf
in the root directory of the boot partition with the contents below, replacing SSID
with your network name and password. You can add multiple networks by copying the network={}
block. If you are outside of the United States, change country=US
to your country’s ISO two-letter country code.
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
Create an empty file called ssh
or ssh.txt
in the boot partition to enable SSH.
3. disable serial console
Edit cmdline.txt
in the boot partition and remove console=serial0,115200
. This will disable the hardware serial console, which is necessary since one of the serial pins is used for a gamepad button.
4. configure firmware options
Edit config.txt
in the boot partition and add the content below to the end of the file.
# Enable GPIO power button functionality
# Lower GPU memory allocation
# Disable UART
# Enable SPI with one chip select line (allow use of GPIO7)
5. connect via SSH
Insert the SD card and power up the Raspberry Pi. If the previous steps were done correctly, it should automatically connect to your WiFi network and you should be able to log in via SSH (ssh pi@retropie.local
) using the default password raspberry
We strongly recommend changing the user password since SSH and SMB are enabled. This can be done by running the passwd
command on the Raspberry Pi.
6. configure startup behavior
Run the following commands to download the startup script and shutdown button handler and configure them to run at boot, before the GPIOnext service starts.
sudo curl -o /usr/bin/shutdown_handler.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackw01/pi-tin/main/software/shutdown_handler.py
sudo curl -o /usr/bin/pi_tin_startup.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackw01/pi-tin/main/software/pi_tin_startup.sh
sudo curl -o /etc/systemd/system/pi_tin_startup.service https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackw01/pi-tin/main/software/pi_tin_startup.service
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/shutdown_handler.py
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/pi_tin_startup.sh
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable pi_tin_startup
sudo systemctl start pi_tin_startup
Run the following command to disable waiting for a network connection at boot.
sudo raspi-config nonint do_boot_wait 1
7. set up display
Use Adafruit’s setup script to install and configure fbcp for the ILI9341 2.8” TFT display. Select the Cupcade (horizontal screen)
cd ~
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adafruit/Raspberry-Pi-Installer-Scripts/master/pitft-fbcp.sh
sudo bash pitft-fbcp.sh
8. set up audio
Use Adafruit’s setup script to MAX98357 I2S DAC. Do not enable the option to activate /dev/zero playback in the background.
cd ~
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install adafruit-python-shell
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adafruit/Raspberry-Pi-Installer-Scripts/main/i2samp.py
sudo -E env PATH=$PATH python3 i2samp.py
Edit /boot/config.txt
to change the line dtoverlay=max98357a
to dtoverlay=max98357a,no-sdmode=on
and change the line dtparam=audio=on
to #dtparam=audio=on
After rebooting, run speaker-test -c2
. You should hear white noise from the speaker.
9. set up gamepad driver
Clone our fork of GPIONext (this fork supports using certain GPIO pins that the original does not) and download the config file. Run the install script and enter n
when asked to run the configuration manager, then start the GPIOnext daemon. The EmulationStation UI should now respond to button presses.
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/jackw01/GPIOnext.git
curl -o GPIOnext/config/config.db https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackw01/pi-tin/main/software/config.db
bash GPIOnext/install.sh
gpionext start
10. update RetroPie and OS packages
Run the RetroPie setup script.
sudo ~/RetroPie-Setup/retropie_setup.sh
Follow the prompts and select Update
to update installed packages. Select Yes
on the prompt asking to update OS packages. This will take a while.
11. install RetroPie theme
To install a theme that works better on small displays, first run the RetroPie setup script.
sudo ~/RetroPie-Setup/retropie_setup.sh
Select Configuration / Tools > esthemes > Install anthonycaccese/tft
. Exit the setup script. Run the command below to create the EmulationStation settings file, which shouldn’t exist yet, and set the theme to tft
cd ~
curl -o .emulationstation/es_settings.cfg https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackw01/pi-tin/main/software/es_settings.cfg
12. configure RetroArch
For more seamless operation, we recommend configuring RetroArch to automatically save the game state when exiting and load the saved state when starting. This setting can be changed later for individual ROMs. To do this, edit /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
and change the lines
savestate_auto_load = ...
savestate_auto_save = ...
savestate_auto_load = "true"
savestate_auto_save = "true"
When combined with the Pi Tin shutdown handler script, this change will allow the state to be automatically saved before the system shuts down.
13. set volume
Run amixer set PCM 50%
to set the volume to a more reasonable level.
additional notes
For now, do not install pulseaudio
to use Bluetooth audio devices. In testing we found that it interacts poorly with the MAX98357 I2S DAC+amp and causes it to draw so much current that it triggers the battery protection circuit.